Mass Law Blog
Intellectual property and business litigation, Massachusetts and nationallyWritten by humans
Lee Gesmer’s Mass Law Blog began in 2005, and contains almost 600 posts. The site initially focused on Massachusetts law, but today it follows business and intellectual property law nation-wide. The site is hosted by Gesmer Updegrove LLP, a law firm based in Boston, Massachusetts. The firm represents startup and established companies in the areas of litigation, transactions (including financings, mergers and acquisitions), IP rights, taxation, employment law, standards consortia, business counseling and open source development projects and foundations. You can find a summary of the firm’s services here. To learn how Gesmer Updegrove can help you, contact: Lee Gesmer
Aeroe Copyright Law Article in Cyberspace Lawyer
The Cyberspace Lawyer was nice enough to take the four-part article on the Aereo copyright case that I published earlier this summer (Part 1 here), combine it into a cohesive whole and publish it in their August issue. The article is embedded below via scribd. A direct link to the article is here. [scribd id=164054335 key=key-ad2bq8dybmovi0uwn70 mode=scroll]
Liberation Music Throws Lessig a Meatball Pitch in “Lisztomania” DMCA Takedown Suit
Harvard Law School professor Larry Lessig must have fallen off his chair in disbelief when he learned that Liberation Music, copyright owner of the song Lisztomania, recorded by Phoenix, had used the DMCA to force Youtube to remove the video of a lecture by Lessig that included video remix examples of this song. He soon straightened up and filed what could become an interesting test case involving wrongful DMCA takedown notices and copyright fair use. However, in the process he suffered...
Ninth Circuit Decision in Fox v. Dish is Another Blow to TV Networks
"The phone, the laptop and the tablet have advanced so dramatically. Television has been drastically left behind." - Tom Rogers, CEO of TiVo, Inc., Wall Street Journal, July 30, 2013 _________________ First music, then books, now television. Music and book publishers have suffered well-publicized headwinds (some would say hurricane gales) at the hands of the Internet economy, and now 2013 is the year the TV and cable industries are beginning to face comparable technology-driven disruptive...
Viacom Has Chutzpah (or Perhaps Bad Judgment) to Suggest That Second Circuit Reassign Its Case Against Youtube In Event of a Remand
"The thing to fear is not the law, but the judge.” - Russian Proverb _____________________________ Viacom has filed its opening brief in its second appeal in Viacom v. Youtube. This long-running copyright case is establishing important precedents in the interpretation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).* *See this link for my most recent post on this long-runing case. In its current appeal Viacom argues that the trial court judge erred in granting Youtube summary judgment...