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Mass Law Blog

Intellectual property and business litigation, Massachusetts and nationally
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Lee Gesmer’s Mass Law Blog began in 2005, and contains almost 600 posts. The site initially focused on Massachusetts law, but today it follows business and intellectual property law nation-wide. The site is hosted by Gesmer Updegrove LLP, a law firm based in Boston, Massachusetts. The firm represents startup and established companies in the areas of litigation, transactions (including financings, mergers and acquisitions), IP rights, taxation, employment law, standards consortia, business counseling and open source development projects and foundations. You can find a summary of the firm’s services here. To learn how Gesmer Updegrove can help you, contact: Lee Gesmer

Aereo, Antenna Farms and Copyright Law: Creative Destruction Comes to Broadcast TV (Part 4)

Aereo, Antenna Farms and Copyright Law: Creative Destruction Comes to Broadcast TV (Part 4)

"Streaming copyrighted works without permission would drastically change the industry, to plaintiffs' detriment. . . . The strength of [broadcasters'] negotiating platform and business model would decline. The quantity and quality of efforts put into creating television programming, retransmission and advertising revenues, distribution models and schedules — all would be adversely affected. These harms would extend to other copyright holders of television programming. Continued live...

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Material Change In Employment Relationship Leaves Noncompete Agreement Unenforceable

My late May post on Rent-A-PC, Inc. v. Robert March, et al.  discussed a Massachusetts federal district court case in which Judge O'Toole refused to issue a preliminary injunction enforcing noncompete provisions against two former employees of Rent-A-PC because their job responsibilities had substantially changed since their non-compete agreements had been signed. In a decision issued by a Massachusetts Superior Court Judge in May, the court refused to issue a preliminary injunction on the...

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Whitey Bulger and Gorky Park

"The FBI is an unindicted coconspirator in the massive racketeering case against Whitey." - Kevin Cullen, Boston Globe, June 14, 2013 _______________ I wonder if Martin Cruz Smith had Bulger in mind when he wrote this in 1981: The FBI doesn't conduct investigations, they pay informers. … Their informers are mental cases and hit men. Where the bureau touches the real world, suddenly you get all these freaks who know how to kill people with piano wire. Say a freak gets caught … he tells the...

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93A Opinion in Baker v. Goldman Sachs: What Happens When You Mix In Equal Parts A Start-Up, a Fraudulent Purchaser, a Tech Bubble and a New York Investment Banker?

93A Opinion in Baker v. Goldman Sachs: What Happens When You Mix In Equal Parts A Start-Up, a Fraudulent Purchaser, a Tech Bubble and a New York Investment Banker?

Earlier this year, on the eve of trial in Baker v. Goldman Sachs in federal district court in Boston, I published a blog post describing the facts behind this unusual case, which involved the acquisition of Dragon Systems by Lernout & Hauspie in a $600 million all-stock deal. Soon after the acquisition closed the market discovered that Lernout had fabricated its Asian sales figures. This was quickly followed by Lernout's bankruptcy, which left Dragon (owned by the Bakers, husband and wife...

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This site is hosted by Gesmer Updegrove LLP, a technology law firm based in Boston, Massachusetts. You can find a summary of our services here. To learn how GU can help you, contact:
Lee Gesmer